ICAN Play 30Take the pledge to play outside at least 30 minutes every day!
Hot or cold, rain or shine, city or county, morning or evening, park or backyard -- commit to playing outside 30 minutes a day! Outdoor play helps relieve stress, increase activity, build social and teamwork skills and allows families to connect and learn together! Read, walk, run, look for insects or birds, create art from leaves, conduct an experiment, put on a play in the backyard, jump in puddles, learn about the moon, explore a new park, there are tons of nature activities to do in your backyard or elsewhere. Get more play ideas on our resources or where to play pages. Submit your pledge to get a #ICANPlay30 certificate to download! Check our website seasonally to see new and fun outdoor activity ideas that you can use. When you play outside be sure to share with your friends and tell them #ICANPlay30! |