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2024 Nature Play Day Registration
Indicates required field
Your name
Who is submitting this form?
Your email
The info below will be published on our NPD online map.
Host facility/Organization name
Ex. Park City Parks and Recreation Department, Mountainview Library, St. James Church, Madison Scout Troop 502, Oak Lane HOA, Panda Bear Preschool
Contact email
Who should participants email with questions?
Website page where participants can go for more info:
Your Facebook page or social media (url please):
The following two questions will allow us to put your "star" on our map. If your NPD campaign is broader than one city or zip code, just use a central city or zip code for the map identifier.
Address (optional)
Zip Code
Tell us....
Have you hosted NPDs before?
How did you learn about NPDs?
After clicking submit, you'll get an email with a link to our
resources page
which has planning tools, downloadable flyers, bookmarks, ICAN materials, and more are available to help make your NPD a success.
ICAN will also email you periodically with new tools and opportunities to get ICAN materials mailed to you for use at your event. Keep an eye on your inbox and let us know if you aren't getting our messages!
**NOTE: The map on the "Find a NPD" page does not update automatically. We try to make updates every 7-10 (more often as NPD's approach).